Product Description:
Vinil modified anionic, acrlic resin based,elastic, thicsotropic silk mat external wall and roof caoting. The material is not affectted by weather conditions, moisture and salt water, HiTech ELAST also provides respiration to the surface. Waterproof special material,cleaning with detergent and soap.
Scope Of Application:It is an acrylic based single component riding waterproofing material containing elastomeric resin which is used to create an elastic insulation layer in waterproofing of the inclined horizontal surfaces and exterior surfaces of the buildings which are not walked on the buildings in the positive direction. It can be applied on wide surface, multi-point sloping gutters, terraces and balconies, plaster-covered building facades, roof gutters and concrete, wood, metal and eternite surfaces

Application:The surface should be dry, clean and inclined to allow water flow. Deep cracks must be filled with Acrylic Mastic. Prior to insulation, Titech Elast mixture prepared by thinning with %30-40 weight of water should be primed and prepared for surface coating. No Water should be thoroughly mixed before use. HiTech Elast is applied to the primed surface with roller or brush until the surface is completely covered. A uniform film thickness of at least 1 mm in thickness should be provided when it is dry for a smooth and suitable surface. Hitech Elast should be applied in 2 layers in such a way that each floor is driven perpendicularly to each other and one floor must not be completely dry before the other floor. It must be protected from rain and frost for the first 24 hours after application. Tools can be cleaned with water immediately after application.
Consumption:0,800-1,100kg / m2 depending on pattern structure and application tool
Storage:Can be kept for minimum 12 months in the original unopened pails in dry places and at temperatures of 5ºC- 25ºC. Once a can has been opened, use as soon as possible.
Package:15 L - 18,5 kg plastic bucket.

Product Features:

    -Operation is ready.
    -Solvent free.
    -Resistant to UV rays and weather conditions.
    -It is permanently elastic.
    -It is not affected by aging.
    -Easy and fast application.
    -Can be painted